False Beliefs about Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault

Perpetrators of drug-facilitated sexual assault may hold some or all of the following false beliefs:

  1. That it’s acceptable to ‘take advantage’ of a person who is high or drunk;

  2. That if the survivor was taking drugs or drinking alcohol, they are at fault for the sexual assault;

  3. That an intoxicated person can legally give consent and that they consented to the sexual assault;

  4. That using drugs and alcohol to purposely intoxicate someone so that it will be easier to sexually assault them is socially acceptable behavior; or

  5. That someone who does not consent can be persuaded by taking drugs or drinking alcohol.

These false beliefs are very harmful parts of many societies.

With knowledge about sexual assault and its impacts, our new awareness can help us intervene when we encounter these false beliefs in ourselves or others.