Rape Crisis Counseling for Advocates and Volunteers
This training is designed to teach volunteer advocates how to provide competent, effective crisis intervention services to victims and survivors of sexual assault.
This training is meant to supplement, and not replace, formal training for rape crisis counseling offered at rape crisis centers. Completion does not certify trainees as advocates or counselors.
However, we acknowledge that because these services may be limited in your community, if you seek to serve as an advocate but no training is available, it may be helpful to consult this digital training as a guide.
This training presents basic supportive listening skills that may be used without advanced training. This training in no way teaches the skills necessary to provide counseling therapy.
By continuing, you acknowledge that you understand the limits of this digital training.
1. Getting Started
This section covers the basics of advocacy and crisis intervention for survivors, and defines sexual assault and intimate partner violence.
2. Listen
The ethics of confidentiality, introducing yourself to the survivor, drug-facilitated sexual assault, and communicating with diverse populations, including LGBTQIA survivors.
3. Believe
Navigating and responding to disclosure, PTSD, and negotiating with healthcare providers.
4. Support
An overview of medical advocacy, including first steps at the health center, navigating the medical exam, and creating sexual assault evidence kits.
5. Respect
Safety planning for intimate partner violence, plus follow-up, referrals, self-care, and resiliency.